Our Story
Montessori Education Program

Infant and Toddler
Ages 0-3
Three Classes
The first three years of a child's life have a special importance, and this is a key time for orientation with the world.

Cycle 1 & Kindergarten
Ages 3-6
Two Classes
Three to six year old children experience the most intense phase of learning and begin to work with their hands.
The hand guided by the mind builds intelligence and understanding of the world.
Our multi-age learning environment supports exploration and optimal child development.

Imagine an education that is an aide to life
Imagine classrooms that reflect the changing developmental needs of the child
Imagine a place your child is able to control the pace of their learning
Imagine an education program that seeks to nurture emotional and social development alongside academic achievement
Imagine teaching staff that knows how your child and values their natural learning process
Kenmore & District Montessori Children's House
Educational Program
The KDMCH Educational program consist of the Australian Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten guidelines.
Our vision is to support the child to become lifelong learners by inspiring a passion for learning with resilience and responsibility. We guide our children to become independent and confident learners in an atmosphere of warmth, kindness and respect. Our mission is to provide authentic and holistic learning experiences which address the uniqueness of each child's strong sense of self, wonder & curiosity and innovation in a sustainable, orderly and
natural environment. Our philosophy recognises the child's rights and roles in making independent learning decisions and influencing their world. Our Curriculum-decision making is based on both the Montessori philosophy and the insights from current theoretical perspectives, which have guided our effective way of understanding and working with children and families.
In developing curriculum and preparing learning environment.
In teaching practices and positively managing behaviours
In planning and assessment.
At KDMCH, every child is recognised and respected as unique, with a strong belief that children are capable and valuable young people. Montessori educators at KDMCH scaffold the children to reach their own learning potentials. Children are provided with opportunities to explore, manipulate and operate materials at their own time and in their own rhythms within a supportive environment.
Curriculum and program development at KDMCH take into consideration the holistic view of child development, that is, children's physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains of development are interrelated and interwoven (EYLF, 2009).
We also apply Montessori's and Piaget's similar perceptions about child development that "children learn through their
exploration with concrete materials", and that following children's developmental milestones is necessary to guide young children's natural development and learning.
KDMCH's enriched curriculum support children's knowledge and development of social skills and community living, practical life skills, oral language and literacy, early mathematics, sustainability, science and technology, awareness and respect of indigenous culture, and multicultural awareness. Our systematic and flexible curriculum areas provide opportunities
for children to follow their own interests to achieve the outcomes. The well-prepared physical environment in each class at KDMCH supports the child-centred learning when equipment is inviting and orderly arranged at children's levels.
KDMCH considers that the relationship and participation of children, educators and families are central to learning. By taking on both Montessori's and Vygotsky's insights children are active agents and contributors in different social groups in which they participate (Montessori, 1988, EYLF, 2009). Educators at KDMCH take into account the contexts of children's lives in their planning experiences, resources and materials that are responsive to
children's needs.
'Our Better Ways' behaviour management policy expresses that no rewards, punishments or competition are applied in Montessori classrooms. Educators set high expectations on social maturity and support our children develop in self-discipline and social negotiation skills in various contexts of the curriculum. We view self-discipline as a skill and a process that children are guided to develop through purposeful Montessori work. KDMCH shines a light on "cultural curriculum that explores the beauty of diversity and involve families and communities. KDMCH has dynamic and diverse cultural backgrounds with staff and children coming from around the world. Teaching and learning practices at KDMCH
recognise and value the complexity and diversity of children's home lives and family cultures. We respect, reflect and celebrate all cultures diversity and places of origin.